The Private Press.
NY: Watson-Guptill Publications (1971). First US edition. 376 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. From the library of the late Reinhard S. Speck, a leading San Francisco book collector in several fields. Laid in is an interesting TLS, 21 August 1969, from Cave to his friend, the California printer Sherwood Grover (Grace Hoper Press), mentioning “a bad car crash” that “put letterwriting out of the question for a while,” soliciting contributions for the next volume of his annual, PRIVATE PRESS BOOKS, and discussing plans for an American trip in the spring, including lectures at UCLA and in the East as well as a possible talk at the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco which Grover had suggested. Also laid in is a printed invitation to Cave’s 1983 talk at the Book Club of California, “The Private Press Revisited: Meditations While Preparing a Revision of THE PRIVATE PRESS, London, 1971,” on which the speaker had written out his name and address for Dr. Speck. Finally, there is Speck’s retained copy of his March 24, 1983 letter to Cave, recalling their recent meeting at the Book Club and enclosing some pamphlets (not present) that he had promised.
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